TestMagic Blog: College and high school admissions
Add more detail to your writing
Be sure to add descriptive details to your writing.
Add more detail to your writing
Be sure to add descriptive details to your writing.
Most common essay mistakes: Avoid using informa...
When writing your essays (for example, for the SAT, ACT, SSAT, GMAT, GRE, or TOEFL) avoid informal language.
Most common essay mistakes: Avoid using informa...
When writing your essays (for example, for the SAT, ACT, SSAT, GMAT, GRE, or TOEFL) avoid informal language.
Most common SAT Essay mistakes: How to use the ...
One of the most common SAT essay mistakes related to how to refer to the author or speaker of the source.
Most common SAT Essay mistakes: How to use the ...
One of the most common SAT essay mistakes related to how to refer to the author or speaker of the source.
August 25, 2018 SAT, the day a leaked SAT was u...
Summary: There are credible allegations that the Aug 25, 2018 SAT had been leaked to the Internet in 2017, meaning a large number of test-takers had already studied the questions...
August 25, 2018 SAT, the day a leaked SAT was u...
Summary: There are credible allegations that the Aug 25, 2018 SAT had been leaked to the Internet in 2017, meaning a large number of test-takers had already studied the questions...
SAT Study Plan
Read this if you haven't started your SAT prep yet, or if you're wondering whether you're going about prepping for the SAT in the right way.
SAT Study Plan
Read this if you haven't started your SAT prep yet, or if you're wondering whether you're going about prepping for the SAT in the right way.
Where to download official SAT practice tests
So you've heard that official SAT tests are the best source of SAT practice material. Here's where to download them.
Where to download official SAT practice tests
So you've heard that official SAT tests are the best source of SAT practice material. Here's where to download them.